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Showing posts from July, 2020

A Tribute to Rosalind Franklin on her 100th birth anniversary

                                            (Rosalind Franklin (25 July 1920 - 16 April 1958) Yesterday was 100 th  anniversary of the birth of British Chemist Rosalind Franklin, a pioneering X-ray crystallographer. Dr. Franklin’s work, particularly the picture that she took of her X-ray diffraction pattern of DNA in May 1952 became famous “Photograph 51” a critical for correctly determining structure and function of DNA. In recent years, her story has become famous as one of a woman whose scientific work was overlooked during her lifetime. The credit for 1953 discovery of DNA’s structure goes to James Watson and Francis Crick along with Franklin’s former colleague Maurice Wilkins. This discovery was recognized by the 1962 Nobel Prize four years after her tragic death from ovarian cancer (Dr. Franklin was not nominated for this award since Nobel Prizes are not awarded posthumously). However, she was not credited beyond a tiny footnote, and died at 37 never realizing how her dat